Children's Sunday School Returns on Rally Day, September 8, 2024!
Pre-K to Grades 5 will meet in Room 106. This youth class will use the David C. Cooke curriculum, giving them tools to build a relationship with God and explore their faith using fun, multi-sensory learning through carefully selected Bible stories, hands-on activities, discussion and songs.
Middle and High School: Sixth through twelfth graders will meet in Room 105 and will use a variety of resources that help teens to understand the Bible and navigate through real life challenges in their everyday life. The class encourages students to ask questions and explore their faith in a deeper way. Dialogue each week between the students is rich and meaningful. Students come out of the class with thought-provoking questions to ask their families at home.
Adult Sunday School
Women's Class: Led by Pat King in Room 114, this class follows the Cokesbury Adult Bible Study series. Each quarter (fall, winter, spring, summer) contains 13 lessons exploring Biblical messages and how to apply them to daily life by focusing on personal, family, church, and community concerns. Beginning on Rally Day, this fall the Bible lessons will follow the theme "Claiming Identity." They unpack and explore the concept of identity by examining the life and experiences of Esther, the factors that shape our identity and how we find and claim our identity in Christ.
Men's Class: Under the direction of Ken McKinley in Room 112, this class will delve into "Our Daily Bread" devotionals and related scripture and Bible study. Through this study men will grow in their relationship with God and with each other, while discussing ways to apply scripture to daily life.
Faithbuilders: From January 12th through February 16, 2025, join Gail Schadler in Room 109, for the start of a new adult elective study, "The Judges of Israel." Who were the judges and what did they do? How did they fit into the historical timeline of the nation of Israel? Why does the Bible contain this book about dysfunctional characters doing deplorable things, even the heroes, even the judges? Come to this class to discuss the message of the book of Judges and learn how to apply it to your own life.
Small Group Studies
Bread for the Journey: This small group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1 pm in the Library/Parlor of the church, returning from summer break on September 10th. Under the leadership of Gale Hewitt, the members pray, explore scripture, and read and discuss Christian books as they journey together to grow in their relationship with God. This supportive, and sometimes challenging group, is open to women seeking to grow in Christ. For more information, contact Gale Hewitt. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 267-218-2479)
Friday Online Bible Study: Join Janet Finch and Gail Schadler as their online small group study returns from summer break on September 13, 2024. This group meets weekly from 9:30 to 11:30 am on Fridays via Zoom invitation and will run through May 16, 2025. The first study will take a deeper look at Micah 6:8. This will be followed by a discussion of some of the Psalms. Later in the year topics will include "Names for the Messiah,"1st and 2nd Peter, Lent Van Gogh, and The Chosen. To be added to the email list for this study, or to learn more about how to join the Zoom discussions, please contact Gail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Janet (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).